"Nowhere in the world will such a brotherly feeling of confidence be experienced as amongst those who sit together smoking their pipes." Doctor Barnstein - The Results and Merits of Tobacco, 1844.
Thursday, 19 January 2012
Couple of dates for your diaries.
Monday 20th February 2012 International Pipe Smoking Day. As IPSD is on a Monday this year, I'd like to suggest an extra meeting on Sunday 19th February to show our support.
Sunday July 15th 2012. British Championships of Pipe Smoking, at Newark Showground (see the UKFoPC page for more details). This coincides with a regular meeting so it would be great if we could get a team together to represent the club.
Saturday, 14 January 2012
January meeting.
The first meeting of 2012 was a great success!
Myles and I were joined by Johnny, also known as Yorkshirepipensnuff on YouTube, who had braved the train journey down from Dundee.
At one point, the table looked like a well-stocked tobacconist's with a wide selection of pipes, tins and bags of tobacco spread around...all three of us got to try something new. I tried some Germain's Royal Jersey Perique, Johnny had a bowl of Dunhill Royal Yacht and Myles had his first taste of Peterson's Nutty Cut. On the strength of it's tin and room notes, I am very interested in trying some Gauntley's Nottingham Blend in the near future.
Myles definitely suits his new pipe (see last month's post for details), Johnny was justifiably proud of his Nording Freehands, a couple of very handsome pipes...the smooth finish one was particularly striking.
The weather remained kind to us, until about 5pm when it started getting very chilly. Fortunately, a cup of fresh ground coffee from the bar helped keep the cold at bay.
On a side note, the cask Belhaven IPA was a very smooth pint!
Thanks to the guys, the club's "tobacco bar" now has a very healthy selection for members to sample, including:
Dunhill Nightcap,
Dunhill Early Morning Pipe,
Mac Baren Scottish Blend (mixture),
Mac Baren Cherry Ambrosia,
Mac Baren Navy Flake,
Mac Baren Virginia Flake,
7 Seas Cherry Blend,
Sam Gawith Squadron Leader.
Additionally, we all seem to bring a few extra blends to share!