Watch "ADz Pipes HD 78 - The British Pipe Smoking Championships 2012" on YouTube
For everyone who missed Newark, here's an edited video of the day. Thanks to Ad David for filming and editing it. Hopefully, the next one will be even more successful.
"Nowhere in the world will such a brotherly feeling of confidence be experienced as amongst those who sit together smoking their pipes." Doctor Barnstein - The Results and Merits of Tobacco, 1844.
Watch "ADz Pipes HD 78 - The British Pipe Smoking Championships 2012" on YouTube
For everyone who missed Newark, here's an edited video of the day. Thanks to Ad David for filming and editing it. Hopefully, the next one will be even more successful.
To take advantage of the better weather (hopefully!) there will be two meetings in August: Saturday 11th and 18th, both starting at 2.30pm at The Cuddie Brae.
British Pipe Smoking Championship 2012
In case anyone hadn't found it already, here's the Facebook page for Sunday's event.
Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves so hopefully this will become a regular event.
Would be great if we can have a team from EPC in for the shield next time as it looks very impressive! There were also extra prizes (booze and baccy) for the gents from John Hollingsworth's Pipe Club of Birmingham who won the team event.
Despite the weather (torrential rain this morning) we managed a very successful meeting!
Was great to see Johnny, Neil and Marcin again and we were joined by two new faces; Steve and David. Unfortunately, due to work commitments, I arrived late so I didn't get a chance to take notes of what everyone was smoking...however, I did spot quite a variety of open tins and pouches on the table; Samuel Gawith's Squadron Leader, several tins of Ashton's blends including Consummate Gentleman, Peterson's Sherlock Holmes and Marcin's pouch of straight Latakia! There was a lovely aroma of the mixed tobacco in the air.
It stayed damp all afternoon but the worst of the rain eased off and the smoking shelter kept everyone dry.
I will report back from Newark next weekend, after the British Pipe Smoking Championships...I doubt I will win the competition but it will be great to meet some more pipers and share ideas with the other clubs.