Monday, 27 January 2014

Burn's Night Meeting.

Thanks to Steve and Marcin for braving the weather on Saturday. Terry was probably the smarter one staying home warm and dry! lol

The rain held off for most of the afternoon but when it came back on we definitely needed the awning! The heaters were also greatly appreciated.

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to find any Haggis flavoured tobacco so I had to make do with some Mac Baren Scottish Blend, we also had a couple of drams of Highland Park and several pints of Stewart Brewing's Pentland IPA to help toast the bard ;-)

As usual Chris, Ailsa and all their staff at Henrick's were very was particularly nice when Chris said that they consider us "part of the family" now. Looking forward to seeing the plans for the potential alterations to the beer garden; cushions and a new heater sounded especially promising.

Sunday, 12 January 2014

First meeting of 2014

Steve, Richard, Marcin and myself had a very enjoyable meeting yesterday despite the cold...the heaters at Henrick's are good but even they were struggling.
However, once we'd all got drinks and our pipes going the weather didn't seem so bad :-)

New Year's Resolutions

Belated Happy New Year and my apologies for not updating the blog regularly.
I will try to be a bit more regular with posting this year.